Grant Makers
Grant Makers
Publish Grant Opportunities; Qualify, Rate & Rank Applications; Monitor, Evaluate & Report Grants against Budgets & Performance Goals
Grant Seekers
Grant Seekers
Identify Funding Needs; Find & Apply for Grant Opportunities; Submit Documents, Execute Grant Contracts
Grant Administrators
Grant Administrators
Ensure Efficiency, Accountability, and Transparency throughout Grant lifecycle; Maintain Grant Compliance
grants management


On-Cloud | On Premise | Hybrid
Auto-Generated Calendar | Reminders | Notifications
Organize Teams - Grantors | Grantees | Donors | SMEs
Share Documents | Comments | Tasks within Team
Build and deploy Forms | Survey online
Business Process Orchestration through Workflows
Easy third party integration through REST APIs
Available across multiple devices
Scalable Architecture
Real-time monitoring and audit trail
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